With a combination of therapies, it can be manageable for many people. Symptoms tend to lessen as the child gets older, with only a small percentage of adults displaying ADHD behaviour.

Children with ADHD often have trouble in school and social settings. To a child with the disorder, the world can seem overwhelming and day-to-day living can be challenging. Thankfully, there have been more and more studies over the years aimed at correct diagnoses and new treatments.

Many parents of children with ADHD know what it’s like to go to appointments with specialists, especially when their child is in the process of getting diagnosed. With a combination of medication and different paramedical therapies, the costs can add up.


Every child is different, of course, but the most common symptoms of ADHD are recognizable fairly early on. Some of the most common symptoms are

  • Trouble paying attention
  • Fidgeting, constant moving and squirming
  • Hyperactivity
  • Restlessness, including talking non-stop
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Difficulty playing as a team or waiting one’s turn

These symptoms do not always indicate ADHD when demonstrated on their own, but when they are all occurring, there is a very good chance that the person exhibiting these behaviours has ADHD.

The disorder is usually diagnosed somewhere between the ages of six and twelve, but it has been identified in adults as well. ADHD Awareness’ website is a great resource for parents of children with the disorder.

There are many little devices, like fidget spinners and fidget cubes, that are designed to help children cope with their restlessness and help them focus on their tasks. While these are helpful, there are many medical options as well.

Medication Options

While many parents hesitate to put their children on medication, sometimes the need is great. Some children simply cannot cope without it. Drugs used to treat ADHD are generally stimulants, such as Ritalin or Adderall. These medications are controlled substances, but they do not have quite as negative an effect on someone who really needs them.

If a child who does not have ADHD were to take one of these medications, they would experience the common effects of a stimulant, including things like increased heart rate, increased energy, and possibly nausea, trouble sleeping or anxiety. However, when a person with ADHD takes the proper dosage, it can help them focus and calm down.

A downside to this is that the body builds a tolerance after a while and the dosage often needs to be adjusted. Luckily, if you have a health insurance plan in place before they are diagnosed, the costs for these drugs can be absorbed. Insurance plans were invented for situations such as these.

Drug costs can be a burden on many families, so having a health plan in place can greatly alleviate the financial hardships that come with treating disorders such as ADHD.

Available Therapies

Depending on the severity of your child’s ADHD, you may need to explore several treatment options. It is critical that your child see a registered psychologist or psychiatrist in order to get a full diagnosis. Some pediatricians can also identify the disorder, but counsellors can help your child develop strategies to cope with the symptoms.

naughty young boy with adhd screaming at psychologist's office

Some children, along with the typical symptoms, also have trouble with fine motor skills, such as using scissors or holding pencils correctly. An occupational therapist can help improve these skills and show your child the proper way to carry out fine motor tasks.

Speech therapy is also a common type of treatment for non-typical ADHD symptoms. As a child develops, he or she may have trouble pronouncing words or speaking clearly, well after they should be able to do so. A speech therapist can help your child sound out words and catch up their speech skills.

Some of these therapies may be covered by your health insurance plan. If you aren’t sure, refer to your benefit booklet or talk to an insurance broker and they will be able to tell you exactly what your child is covered for. Most services will require a physician’s note, so be sure to include that with the first claim.

ADHD can be challenging and stressful, but it isn’t the end of the world. It is treatable and manageable, and health insurance is a big help in this respect. There are many ways you can help your child cope with the disorder, but first, listen to your child’s doctor. Most importantly, listen to your child and be mindful of their needs.

Call our office today. We would be happy to speak to you and go over your options.